Ethereum's Official Mascot

LESLIE - The official mascot of Ethereum staking. $LESLIE

ERC-20 Token. CA renounced. 0/0 Tax. Community ran. Marketing wallet and community funds:


Total Supply : 10,000,000,000


100% Burned

Leslie X

LESLIE - The official mascot of Ethereum staking. $LESLIE
Leslie Telegram

LESLIE - The official mascot of Ethereum staking. $LESLIE
Ethereum Staking

LESLIE - The official mascot of Ethereum staking. $LESLIE

LESLIE - The official mascot of Ethereum staking. $LESLIE
Coin Gecko
LESLIE - The official mascot of Ethereum staking. $LESLIE
LESLIE - The official mascot of Ethereum staking. $LESLIE


Leslie, the distinguished mascot of Ethereum, stands as a creation of the Ethereum Foundation, a tribute to the eminent computer scientist Leslie Lamport. The narrative of Leslie unfolds on Ethereum's official website.

With Ethereum's pivotal transition from Proof-of-Work to Proof-of-Stake, Leslie envisions a paradigm shift where an increasing number of investors will come to value staking as a preferable strategy over merely holding their ETH.

A substantial 30,417,002 ETH, equivalent to ~ $80 billion, actively participates in validating the Ethereum blockchain through staking. Notably, Ethereum's market cap has surged beyond $316 billion, while only 25% of ETH is presently staked, leaving a significant ~$237 billion circulating freely (source).

History of $LESLIE

As Ethereum follows its upward trajectory, the potential for the percentage of staked ETH to exceed 30% of the circulating supply opens the door for Leslie to organically captivate new investors through the platform's landing page.

$LESLIE initiated with a rocky start, achieving an ATH of $1.5 million until the departure of the developer prompted the community to assume control.

Navigating challenges with a 0% tax structure, the community pooled generous contributions into a multi-signature wallet managed by key Leslie OG holders. Establishing a strong foundation, they revamped social platforms (X/TG/Website) and successfully updated CoinGecko and DexTools, with pending confirmation on CMC.

Fuelled by dedicated holders leveraging their networks and expertise, $LESLIE's trajectory foretells a promising future, poised for significant success.

Short-term goals

◦ Grow the X account to 10,000 followers [1000~]
◦ Grow the TG to 5,000 members [950~]
◦ Strategic long-term partnerships (2) [more soon]
◦ 1 CEX listing [0]
◦ 10% $LESLIE supply in the marketing wallet [5.5%]

Future milestones

◦ Donation to rhino conservation charities
◦ More long-term partnerships to boost brand awareness
◦ More CEX listings
◦ Staking mechanism / NFTs (TBC)
◦ X repost by Vitalik or Ethereum Foundation

Key information

Contract Address: 0xcc9e0Bd9438Ca0056653D134de794abEAFF8C676

Community Wallet: 0x106489bbfA8b20bAf63E397ac14727B587239E9d

ENS: LeslieDAO.eth

Burnt LP TX: 0xfa78429e4e05db351536625ab4213f9f2a2d386b517c9dce6f702d8a9893cce7

CA Renounce TX: 0x8207d3f46d3cc1ac73729c321ade01cbd0b395beb438a96ccdfdc5a15190905c

Our beloved $LESLIE community has assumed the role to go full-on DAO, and sights are being set high to all this entails. Join our Telegram community to find out how you will be able to participate & vote on project development, usage of community funds, and being able to see your suggestions come to fruition!

Unlike typical memecoins, $LESLIE will be much more than a useless namesake token. The realization of a project which continually engages investors and has a real-world function is on the short-term horizon. Crypto enthusiasts should expect nothing less from the one and only mascot of Ethereum.

This website will undergo a major upgrade, to be completed and go live in quarter 3 of 2024. Please follow our X and Telegram for all news & updates.
Stay tuned for something exciting!